These vendors are recommended by the Management Committee and may extend a discount to Foxboro Coventry homeowners. You are under no obligation to use them, but if you do and have an unsatisfactory experience, please notify the Management Committee immediately.

Carpet CleaningProfessional Carpet Systems(801) 298-9226
Dryer Vent CleaningBlock Buster Service (Dave)(801) 397-1558
ElectricalLone Peak Electric (Richard)
Ken’s Electric
Becker Electric
(801) 553-8777
(801) 828-5657
(801) 580-0000
Furnace & A/CComfort Systems USA
KC Heating (Kevin)
Ray Warner
(801) 907-6700
(801) 268-0692
(801) 254-6433
PaintingSun Painters (Brad)(801) 808-5757
PlumbingZach Salisbury
US Plumbing (Howard)
(801) 787-0163
(801) 694-7879
Repairs & ConstructionAR Aluminum (Doug)(801) 941-9241
RoofingBlack Hills Roofing (Craig)(801) 336-6088
RooterJoe’s AAA
Drain Detectives (Matt)
(801) 523-3942
(801) 347-1607
TowingParking Solutions (Justin)(801) 671-1803
Window CleaningMetropolitan Windows (Nancy)(801) 566-0300